Kopimi is an antithetical license to Copyright, created by Piratbyrån, which indicates that a work can be copied for any kind of use. The license can be used in webpages, blogs, books, software, music, and more. In 2005, Ibi "Kopimi" Botani, one of the founders of Piratbyrån, designed a logo for the license which began to appear on the homepage of The Pirate Bay. POwr, Broccoli and KOPIMI, also known as The Pirate Bay Manifesto, was a book released in 2009 by Piratbyrån as a list of principles to inspire those who want to live the Kopimi lifestyle and share information and ideas in a free way on the Internet. The book can be downloaded for free from the Pirate Bay torrents. Although Piratbyrån disbanded in 2010, Kopimi has become a movement that led the way to other projects.
Piratbyrån, formed in 2003 in Sweden, emerged in response to Antipiratbyrån, a group backed by companies like Sony, 20th Century Fox and Walt Disney, which was aimed at condemning piracy, prosecuting copyright infringement cases and offering representation to those requesting legal assistance. Piratbyrån was a group that was in favor of the free exchange of information. In 2003 the group created The Pirate Bay website that quickly became the most visited file exchange site in the world. The group disbanded in 2010 after the death of Ibi "Kopimi" Botani.
The research teams interconnected through datapond.eu, aim to contribute to the cause of Kopimi, as we believe in the freedom of distribution of information and knowledge. To achieve that, our research focuses solely on amalgamating open-source material with our own ideas, in order to recommend and publish state-of-the-art solutions in various areas of Computer Science.
In 2009, the Kopimi team came up with the idea of the manifesto, which can be seen as a guide on how to live life as a true Kopimist, summarized in a list of 100 principles or guidelines. Some of our personal favorites:
012. Don't think outside the box. Build a box.
013. Support support.
016. Drain the private sector of coders, graphic artists and literati.
025. Make sure that you are really good friends with people who can use Photoshop, HTML, databases, and the like.
030. Invent or misuse Kopimi.
031. Do things together as a composition, not as a collective.
032. Make your advertising confusingly similar to that of established ventures.
043. Share files with anyone who wants them.
053. Take upon yourself a lot of projects.
055. Sleep over at each others houses regularly.
069. Take care of small animals.
085. Above all abstract eveything.
100. Start from scratch.
100. Upload.